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Looking for a better Kissflow alternative
Transform business processes with custom workflows and automations on DronaHQ.
Visually create custom workflows
Accelerate process automation
Track processes with workflow analytics
Extend existing processes with integrations
Create apps with rich UI controls with all focus on app functionality and no worries about security and deployment.
User-friendly and intuitive platform for anyone to create powerful apps without any coding required
Create and manage database and workflows and automate simple to complex business processes
Safe and secure deployment of apps in just one click on cloud platform of your choice
Easily connect using API integrations or Zapier to business tools like SAP, Salesforce and many more
Easy and flexible licensing options to let you pay-as-you-scale your apps and workforce
Pre-built apps to get you up and running faster with your app design in no time
Add apps connecting two or more systems like Workday, Successfactors, SAP Ariba.
Tool to view and manage all customer support interactions and connect with database
Automate purchase orders when inventory runs outs, share expense reports, get alerts
Build compliance monitoring tool to update & manage contracts, litigations and more
While KiSSFLOW stands as an SMB favourite, DronaHQ is trusted by enterprises big and small
What our customers have to say
This powerful platform, has helped us build full fledged mobile strategy for internal apps. We are now offering new apps and extending existing ones on single enterprise app. We have witnessed tremendous User Adoption.
Disclaimer: Interpretation of data, research opinion or viewpoints are subject to change without notice and drawn from our observations and user insights at the time of creating this webpage. Users are advised to do their own evaluation. Information displayed on this page may not be accurate