November 23, 2021

New Data Environments, Audit Logging, New way to add controls


New Data Environments launched in DronaHQ

DronaHQ launches Data Environments that enables users to display and test their apps against a nonsensitive copy of the production data. Define environments in the system and create as many environments as you may need for all data points like APIs, Databases, Third-party apps.


Configuring Data Environment

Learn more

New Supabase database connector added

We have launched a new database connector in DronaHQ: Firebase Realtime DB.irebase is a highly durable database that can scale automatically to handle your application’s load.

Take a look >

Audit Loggin introduced

Audit logging is now available in DronaHQ. DronaHQ automatically stores information about all the run level queries, API calls etc. for audit purposes. Admins can view this in a dashboard. Audit logs are only available on enterprise plans.

Learn more


Update in Advanced editor

Now you will see a + icon in all layouts/columns/panels etc. that will make moving or adding controls inside them a whole lot easier.


Using a popup, you will be able to pick from existing controls and new controls to be added inside the container.


Only relevant controls will be visible to be added inside. For. e.g: only columns will be allowed and visible inside layouts and so on so forth.

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