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7 Must Have Apps for the Retail CPG Industry
Consumer-packaged-goods (CPG) firms always recognized technology as an essential component to do business as efficiently as possible. In the past few years, however, CPG firms have recognized the value of the knowledge about the behaviours, ....
Agile App Development
What you should know about AWS Honeycode
The word is out, Amazon has joined the no-code movement after announcing the beta launch of Amazon Honeycode, their no-code app development platform. The platform is aimed at business users to build their own mobile and web applications without ....
Customer Interview
Building a Virtual Assessment Centre using No Code- Customer Speaks
In our Meet The Maker Series, we interview No-Code Makers for their candid feedback, their no-code journeys, initial inhibitions, and methods adopted to build production-grade applications for their businesses. In this podcast of our Meet the ....
Designing a Production Grade CRM from Scratch
A powerful Customer Relationship Management(CRM) software is an extremely useful tool. It tracks and monitors the communications of your sales representatives with your prospects and clients. It also helps to show prospective leads or clients ....
Drag And Drop Builder
Enhancing No-Code Development: Creating a Map for your App
An app has the following four major elements the app’s front end or the part of the app you directly interact with, the client-side logic which executes your business logic, the database where information goes to or is fetched from, and ....
Contactless Visitor Management
7 critical things to keep in mind before your restart office
Secure your Workplace with Visitor Management System post COVID-19 For workplaces, the virus has made it imperative to restrict person-to-person contact and possible incidents of transmission. It has naturally escalated fears and concerns ....
Employee Engagement App
The drastic drawbacks of an ineffective onboarding process
Ever wondered what is the main cause of employee dissatisfaction? Job, work conditions, salary are not only the main parameters. It starts from the day when you onboard new employees – Lack of effective new employee onboarding. The ....
Inspection Apps
6 Smart Ways to Optimize your Retail Audit Efforts
Running a retail store is challenging, and it may be hard to realize exactly where to begin when you’re streamlining your processes. But ensuring retail business activities operate more efficiently must be at the top of the to-do list for ....
Agile App Development
3 environments to help with successful agile delivery
Suppose you have an app being used by your field force, and it lets the field force submit inspection data without any validation. You want to experiment with your app by adding some validation rules to control the data being submitted, but you ....