Pledging $50,000 USD worth platform licenses for COVID relief apps
We are extending our platform in order to allow citizens to combat the pandemic impacts and better fight the ongoing emergency with the innovative use of technology.
Users who are building solutions for oxygen cylinder tracking and medicine supply and tracking, tools to track hospital bed availability; organizations that need to quickly add covid relief support portals in their apps can use this opportunity to speed up the process and take their apps live.
If you are building anything digital related to assist the fight against #covid19 in this current situation in India – then we are making available @DronaHQ available at zero cost! DM for access. #lowcode #nocode #CoronavirusIndia #CovidIndia #OxygenCrisis
— Jinen (@jinen83) April 25, 2021
We pledge to continue using our platform, resources, and technology to aid relief efforts and support the development of digital tools that support the supply and purchase of critical services like oxygen cylinders and medicines. We will be allocating a $50,000 USD fund worth of support in order to facilitate the development of COVID-19 relief-related applications that anyone is trying to build.
It is in times like these we all must join forces, and be of aid to those in need. If you have an idea that tech can support, reach out to us. If you are a team working on coronavirus pandemic relief solutions, email us to gain access to our platform and build your solution at speed.
Those interested can seek out support by writing to us at inquiries@dronahq.com or speak directly with a rep through the live chat service.