August 14, 2019
[PRODUCT UPDATE] Section Repeat and Offline Data Submission
We’re pleased to announce new features/changes on Studio (staging) published in this week. Following are the details about these features:
New Feature
- Builder
- Offline Data Submission has been introduced.
You can now submit form data offline by enabling the toggle button – Offline Submission – for a Submit button. - Repeater control has been introduced as part of Input Controls. A new option called Section Repeat can be found under FORM > SELECTION control list. Click on this control and then drag and drop any desired control within the Section Repeat control area. When you preview the screen or see the app on your device, clicking on “+ More”, will repeat the bunch of controls again. This will help you capture similar data multiple times at one go..
- Offline Data Submission has been introduced.
- Sheets
- Added dropdown to select columns in Sorting pop up. Columns to be sorted should be selected from the columns dropdown.
- Data will always be stored in lowercase (even through import CSV) for email type column.
- Builder
- Functions (“F”) and Validations (“V”) icons on control will be visible even if control is hidden.
- Club List formula box issue – Save and Validate button keeps loading on saving the formula if using lookup in Club List control .
- Sheets
- Bug – In Wizard Table, name was getting Changed after applying Filter condition.
- Import CSV with same header name was allowed – fixed. Now Upload CSV wizard will throw error message if the CSV file has duplicate column header name or user enters duplicate column name on the Upload CSV wizard.
- Excel download not working.
- Rendering issue in formula column resolved, some of the values in formula column used to remain empty.
- Infinite loading problem, if formula box remains empty.
- DATESTR was not working in sheets.
- Random text used to print when formula gets evaluated.
- New Column not available in reorder list.
- Delete column should not be available for Created_by, Created_at columns
- Workflows
- Bug – In Workflow – Add/Edit Task – Update Sheet Section – Wrong Filter Condition was generated.
- Font issue in Status App on Android devices.
- Workflow Status App Widget IOS touch issue – No action can be performed in timeline modal when clicked through Status App Widget.
- Formula column containing unique id does not work as expected.
For the curious souls, here is a signup for early access to DronaHQ Low code platform . Please reach out to me if you would like to know anything specific on Low code/ No Code capability.
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