November 28, 2023

Top 9 360-degree feedback system

The Shift to Employee-Sourced Feedback

A vast majority of HR leaders are working to fix their performance management strategies. While companies have addressed poor performance results by reinventing their performance management process, they have been routinely disappointed. This has caused employees and managers to perceive performance management and employee performance conversations as bureaucratic, costly, and of low value. 

According to a Gartner survey, 55% of managers believe performance management is too time-consuming. And so, “rating systems are an attractive method for crowdsourcing employee performance monitoring, saving managers time and effort and saving organizations money.” 

Applying this concept to the 360 degree feedback collection model, employees become active contributors to the performance evaluation process, providing valuable insights from diverse perspectives. By crowdsourcing feedback through a 360-degree approach, companies can harness the collective intelligence of the entire workforce. This not only streamlines the feedback collection process but also ensures that evaluations are more accurate, fair, and reflective of the multifaceted nature of an employee’s contributions.

The crowdsourcing approach aligns with the evolving dynamics of the modern workplace, emphasizing collaboration, transparency, and employee engagement. It empowers individuals to play an active role in shaping the performance narrative, fostering a culture of shared responsibility and continuous improvement.

Collecting and including team feedback in performance conversations enables managers to share a holistic picture of employee performance.

What is 360-degree feedback?

Integral to the realm of employee performance management, 360-degree feedback involves assessing employees based on insights gathered from supervisors, subordinates, peers, and even customers. This multifaceted feedback serves a dual purpose: aiding in employee performance appraisal and contributing to ongoing professional development.

In contrast to conventional top-down assessments, this holistic approach provides a more complete and equitable evaluation of an individual’s strengths and areas for improvement. By incorporating diverse perspectives from various sources within and outside the organization, 360-degree feedback becomes a powerful tool for fostering comprehensive employee growth and success.

What are the Central Features of a 360-Degree Feedback System?

At the core of a 360-degree feedback system lies its ability to gather insights from multiple perspectives within an organization. Unlike traditional performance evaluations, which often rely solely on manager assessments, a 360-degree feedback system incorporates feedback from peers, subordinates, and even external stakeholders.

A typical 360-degree feedback system is characterized by its versatility and adaptability to diverse organizational structures. The system allows for a comprehensive evaluation of an employee’s performance from various angles, providing a holistic view that goes beyond the traditional top-down approach. 

Key Components of a 360-Degree Feedback System:

  • Self-Assessment: Employees have the opportunity to assess their own performance, fostering self-awareness and reflection.
  • Peer Reviews: Colleagues and peers contribute valuable insights, offering a comprehensive understanding of an individual’s collaborative and team-oriented skills.
  • Managerial Assessments: Direct supervisors provide feedback on day-to-day tasks, project management, and overall job performance.
  • Subordinate Feedback: In some cases, especially in leadership roles, feedback from subordinates provides insights into leadership style and team dynamics.
  • External Stakeholder Input: Depending on the role, feedback from clients, customers, or external partners can offer a broader perspective on an employee’s impact.

Choosing the Right 360 Employee Review Software

When venturing into the realm of 360-degree feedback, selecting the right software is critical for a seamless and effective implementation.  

  • Customization: Seek tools that let you tailor feedback questions and scales, ensuring they align seamlessly with your organization’s unique goals and values.
  • Data Security: Prioritize tools that comply with data privacy regulations, offering robust security features to safeguard sensitive information collected during the feedback process.
  • Managing Deployments: Opt for tools that simplify the deployment process, allowing you to effortlessly manage multiple instances and set up distinct permissions for different stakeholders.
  • Custom Branding: Ensure the tools allow for custom branding, maintaining a consistent brand presence across email templates, reports, the portal, and survey designs.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Look for tools with robust reporting features, empowering you to extract actionable insights from feedback data. The ability to analyze and interpret data is crucial for informed decision-making and continuous improvement.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Consider tools that offer scalability and flexibility in integration, allowing for future growth and adaptability to evolving business needs. This ensures that the 360-degree feedback system can evolve alongside your organization.
  • Data Interoperability: Prioritize tools that promote data interoperability, enabling efficient data exchange between the 360-degree feedback system and other HR platforms, databases, and applications.

Questions to Guide Your Selection Process:

  1. How does the software facilitate a multi-perspective approach in feedback collection?
  2. Is the system customizable to align with our organization’s unique structure and goals?
  3. What level of self-assessment capabilities does the software offer to encourage employee reflection?
  4. How user-friendly is the interface for both administrators and employees participating in the feedback process?
  5. Does the software provide analytics and reporting features to derive actionable insights from the feedback data?

BambooHR: Navigating HR Excellence

BambooHR stands out as a comprehensive solution with a plethora of capabilities catering to various HR needs. Primarily designed for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), BambooHR excels in providing a user-friendly interface for HR professionals seeking an integrated platform.

360 Degree Feedback and Personalization:

BambooHR, while being a more extensive HR solution, does offer features that address 360-degree feedback. Its platform allows for customizable evaluations, making it adaptable to diverse organizational structures. The personalization options, however, may be limited compared to platforms specifically designed for larger enterprises.

User Experience and Feedback:

The user experience with BambooHR has received positive feedback, particularly from SMEs. Users appreciate its intuitive design and ease of implementation. However, when it comes to 360-degree feedback, opinions vary. Some users find BambooHR’s solution sufficient for their needs, while others may find it lacking in advanced customization options.


BambooHR operates on a subscription-based pricing model. While it might be considered moderately priced for the features it offers, some users have noted that costs can escalate as additional functionalities are integrated. 


  • User-Friendly Interface: BambooHR is known for its intuitive design, making it easy for HR professionals to navigate.
  • Scalability: Suitable for growing businesses, BambooHR provides scalability as organizations expand.
  • Integration Capabilities: It seamlessly integrates with various third-party applications, enhancing overall functionality.
  • Customer Support: Users often praise BambooHR’s customer support for its responsiveness and assistance.


  • Personalization Constraints: While adaptable, BambooHR may have limitations in highly personalized HR solutions.
  • Pricing Structure: Some users find the pricing structure less transparent, with costs potentially increasing as features are added.
  • Advanced 360-Degree Feedback: For organizations seeking advanced customization in 360-degree feedback, BambooHR may fall short.
  • Enterprise-level Features: It might lack certain features needed by larger enterprises for complex HR processes.

Lattice: Elevating Performance Management

Lattice gives a comprehensive solution, primarily designed to cater to larger enterprises and their complex HR needs. It’s essential to acknowledge Lattice’s robust capabilities while understanding its specific strengths and potential limitations.

360 Degree Performance Feedback and Enterprise Focus:

Lattice places a strong emphasis on performance management, making it an ideal choice for larger organizations. While it offers 360-degree feedback functionality, its focus extends beyond this, encompassing a suite of performance management tools. This makes it suitable for enterprises aiming for a holistic approach to employee development.

User Experience and Feedback:

Users often commend Lattice for its user-friendly interface and the depth of features it provides. However, opinions on its 360-degree feedback solution can vary. Some users find it robust and effective, while others might prefer solutions dedicated solely to comprehensive feedback functionalities.


Lattice’s pricing is positioned as a premium offering, reflecting its enterprise-grade features. While it provides a high level of customization and functionality, organizations need to weigh the cost against the specific needs and budget constraints.


  • Performance Management Focus: Lattice excels in providing a comprehensive suite for performance management.
  • Customization Capabilities: It offers extensive customization options for tailoring HR processes to organizational needs.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Lattice is praised for its intuitive design, ensuring ease of use for HR professionals.
  • Robust 360-Degree Feedback: Many users appreciate the effectiveness of Lattice’s 360-degree feedback solution for in-depth evaluations.


  • Premium Pricing: Lattice is positioned as a premium solution, which might be a constraint for smaller businesses with budget considerations.
  • Overwhelming Features: For organizations seeking a simple solution, the multitude of features might be perceived as overwhelming.
  • Learning Curve: Due to its extensive functionalities, users may experience a learning curve in fully harnessing Lattice’s capabilities.
  • Limited Sole Focus on 360-Degree Feedback: While part of a broader suite, some users might prefer platforms solely dedicated to 360-degree feedback for more targeted solutions.

Workday: A Unified HR Experience

Acknowledged for its unified HR experience, Workday caters to organizations aiming for comprehensive HR management with a focus on scalability. Workday stands out as a robust solution designed for larger enterprises.

360 peer review and Enterprise Focus:

Workday, renowned for its extensive HR suite, includes functionalities for 360-degree feedback. Its enterprise focus makes it an optimal choice for larger companies seeking an integrated approach to HR operations. The platform seamlessly weaves 360-degree feedback into its broader suite of HR solutions.

User Experience and Feedback:

Workday is often praised for its user-friendly interface, providing HR professionals with an intuitive platform for navigating complex HR processes. Users appreciate the streamlined experience, but opinions on 360-degree feedback might vary. Some find it effective, while others might prefer more specialized feedback solutions.


Workday’s pricing model is often considered on the higher end, aligning with its enterprise-grade features. 


  • Comprehensive HR Suite: Workday provides a unified solution for various HR functions, ensuring an integrated experience.
  • Scalability: Suited for larger enterprises, Workday scales to meet the evolving needs of growing organizations.
  • User-Friendly Interface: HR professionals value Workday for its intuitive design, simplifying complex HR processes.
  • Integrated 360-Degree Feedback: The platform seamlessly integrates 360-degree feedback into its suite, promoting holistic employee evaluations.


  • Premium Pricing: Workday’s pricing is positioned as premium, which might be a consideration for smaller organizations.
  • Complexity for Smaller Businesses: Its extensive features might be more than what smaller businesses need, potentially making it overwhelming.
  • Implementation Time: Due to its comprehensive nature, the implementation of Workday may take longer compared to more streamlined solutions.
  • Varied Feedback on 360-Degree Functionality: While part of a comprehensive suite, opinions on Workday’s 360-degree feedback functionality may differ based on specific organizational needs.

DronaHQ: Elevating 360-Degree Performance Reviews with Low-Code

DronaHQ emerges as a dynamic low-code platform, offering a tailored approach to HR solutions. While off-the-shelf solutions may hit constraints, DronaHQ’s low-code capabilities empower organizations to craft custom 360-degree feedback systems, aligning precisely with their unique structures and aspirations.

Advantages of Leveraging DronaHQ for 360-Degree Feedback:

  • Personalized Solutions: Low-code powers allow organizations to break free from one-size-fits-all constraints, offering a bespoke approach to 360-degree feedback. The platform ensures that the feedback process seamlessly aligns with the intricacies of each distinct workplace.
  • Enhanced Employee Engagement: By tailoring 360-degree feedback experiences, foster higher engagement levels among employees.
  • Advanced Integrations: Seamlessly integrate with key HR tools and other applications/databases, elevating the overall HR ecosystem. Ensure fluid workflow, allowing a 360-degree feedback system to effortlessly connect with existing HR infrastructure and essential business applications.

User Experience and Feedback:

Performance review HR tools by DronaHQ are applauded for intuitive low-code design, simplifying the implementation process for HR professionals. The platform’s user-friendly interface enhances the overall experience. Low-code approach ensures ease of implementation, reducing the learning curve for HR professionals and end-users alike.


DronaHQ operates on a flexible pricing model, offering scalability based on organizational needs. Users find that the transparent pricing structure allows for efficient budgeting without unexpected costs.


  • Ease of customization that goes beyond standard solutions, catering to the specific needs of diverse organizational structures.
  • Suited for businesses of various sizes, DronaHQ ensures scalability and adaptability as organizational requirements evolve.
  • DronaHQ seamlessly integrates with various HR tools and third-party applications, amplifying its functionality and contributing to a unified HR ecosystem.
  • Users commend DronaHQ’s customer support for its responsiveness and assistance, ensuring a smooth experience.


  • Low-code as a concept can have a learning curve but ready HR templates make the task easier.
  • Lots of features may be perceived as complex for organizations seeking a more straightforward 360-degree feedback solution. 
  • Integration support is a must and while the platform has an easy REST API configuration module, ready connectors to bespoke HR solutions are still underway. 

SAP SuccessFactors: Empowering HR Excellence

SAP SuccessFactors is a comprehensive solution tailored for large enterprises. Understanding its capabilities and nuances is crucial for organizations aiming for excellence in HR management.

360 Feedback Surveys and Enterprise Focus:

SAP SuccessFactors integrates 360-degree feedback seamlessly into its broader suite, making it a formidable choice for large enterprises. Recognizing the need for holistic evaluations, the platform offers a robust solution within its comprehensive HR ecosystem.

User Experience and Feedback:

Users often praise SAP SuccessFactors for its user-friendly interface, catering to HR professionals navigating intricate HR processes. However, opinions on its 360-degree feedback might vary. While some find it effective, others might opt for platforms solely dedicated to feedback functionalities.


SAP SuccessFactors operates with a pricing structure that aligns with its enterprise-grade features. 


  • Comprehensive HR Ecosystem: SAP SuccessFactors offers an integrated solution for various HR functions, ensuring a cohesive experience.
  • Enterprise Scalability: Suited for large enterprises, the platform scales to meet the dynamic needs of expansive organizations.
  • User-Friendly Interface: HR professionals appreciate the platform’s intuitive design, simplifying complex HR processes.
  • Holistic 360-Degree Feedback: The platform’s 360-degree feedback seamlessly integrates into its suite, facilitating comprehensive employee evaluations.


  • Premium Pricing: SAP SuccessFactors is positioned as a premium solution, potentially limiting its accessibility for smaller organizations.
  • Complexity for Smaller Businesses: Its extensive features might be more than what smaller businesses need, potentially making it overwhelming.
  • Implementation Time: Due to its comprehensive nature, the implementation of SAP SuccessFactors may take longer compared to more streamlined solutions.
  • Varied Feedback on 360-Degree Functionality: While part of a comprehensive suite, opinions on the effectiveness of SAP SuccessFactors’ 360-degree feedback functionality may differ based on specific organizational needs.

Oracle HCM Cloud: Innovating HR Dynamics

Oracle HCM Cloud emerges as a dynamic solution tailored for larger enterprises. With a focus on innovation, Oracle HCM Cloud integrates 360-degree feedback seamlessly into its extensive suite, offering a comprehensive HR experience.

360 Degree Feedback and Enterprise Focus:

Oracle HCM Cloud positions itself as a forward-thinking solution for large enterprises. Recognizing the importance of comprehensive evaluations, the platform embeds 360-degree feedback within its suite, contributing to a holistic approach to HR management.

User Experience and Feedback:

Users often commend Oracle HCM Cloud for its user-friendly interface, providing HR professionals with a navigable platform for intricate HR processes. However, opinions on its 360-degree feedback functionality may vary. While some find it robust, others might seek specialized platforms dedicated solely to feedback functionalities.


Oracle HCM Cloud’s pricing aligns with its enterprise-grade features. Organizations should carefully assess the investment against the breadth of HR functionalities it offers to ensure cost-effectiveness.


  • Holistic HR Solution: Oracle HCM Cloud provides an all-encompassing solution for various HR functions, fostering a seamless HR experience.
  • Enterprise Scalability: Tailored for large enterprises, the platform scales to accommodate the evolving needs of expansive organizations.
  • User-Friendly Interface: HR professionals appreciate Oracle HCM Cloud’s intuitive design, simplifying complex HR processes.
  • Integrated 360-Degree Feedback: The platform seamlessly integrates 360-degree feedback into its suite, contributing to comprehensive employee evaluations.


  • Premium Pricing: Positioned as a premium solution, Oracle HCM Cloud may pose budget constraints for smaller organizations.
  • Complexity for Smaller Businesses: The extensive features might surpass the needs of smaller businesses, potentially making it overwhelming.
  • Implementation Time: Due to its comprehensive nature, the implementation of Oracle HCM Cloud may take longer compared to more streamlined solutions.
  • Varied Feedback on 360-Degree Functionality: While part of a comprehensive suite, opinions on the effectiveness of Oracle HCM Cloud’s 360-degree feedback functionality may differ based on specific organizational needs.

Namely: Unleashing HR Potential

Namely offers a refreshing perspective with its user-centric approach. Tailored for mid-sized organizations, Namely introduces innovation into HR management, including features for comprehensive 360-degree feedback.

360 Degree Feedback and Mid-sized Enterprise Focus:

Namely, positioned as an HR solution for mid-sized enterprises, acknowledges the significance of 360-degree feedback. While it might not have the enterprise scalability of larger platforms, Namely excels in providing a user-friendly platform with a focus on employee feedback.

User Experience and Feedback:

Namely stands out for its user-friendly interface, offering HR professionals an accessible platform for managing various HR processes. Users appreciate its simplicity, and feedback on its 360-degree feedback functionality tends to be positive, particularly for mid-sized organizations seeking a more personalized approach.


Namely’s pricing is often considered reasonable for mid-sized organizations, offering a balance between features and cost.


  • Mid-sized Enterprise Solution: Namely caters to the needs of mid-sized organizations, providing an accessible HR solution.
  • User-Friendly Interface: HR professionals value Namely for its straightforward design, simplifying HR processes.
  • 360-Degree Feedback: Namely excels in providing a platform for comprehensive employee feedback, enhancing performance evaluations.
  • Cost-Effective: Positioned as a solution for mid-sized enterprises, Namely offers a cost-effective option for organizations with budget considerations.


  • Limited Enterprise Scalability: Namely might face limitations in scalability for larger enterprises with complex HR requirements.
  • Advanced Features: Organizations seeking extensive HR features might find Namely lacking compared to enterprise-grade solutions.
  • Varied Opinions on Customization: While user-friendly, opinions on the level of customization in Namely may differ based on organizational needs.
  • Integration Challenges: Some users might face challenges with integrations, especially if they have a diverse tech stack.

Zoho People: Revolutionizing HR Dynamics

Zoho People emerges as a versatile solution, catering to businesses of varying sizes. And organizations seeking an adaptive and user-friendly HR management system.

360 Degree Feedback and Versatility:

Zoho People, positioned as a versatile HR solution, acknowledges the importance of 360-degree feedback in fostering employee development. While it might not have the extensive enterprise focus of larger platforms, Zoho People excels in providing a flexible and adaptive platform for HR processes.

User Experience and Feedback:

Zoho People stands out for its user-friendly interface, offering HR professionals an easily navigable platform for managing diverse HR functions. Users appreciate its adaptability, and feedback on its 360-degree feedback functionality tends to be positive, especially for organizations seeking a more streamlined approach.


Zoho People’s pricing is often considered competitive, providing a cost-effective solution for businesses of various sizes.


  • Versatile HR Solution: Zoho People caters to businesses of varying sizes, providing adaptability to different HR requirements.
  • User-Friendly Interface: HR professionals commend Zoho People for its intuitive design, simplifying HR processes.
  • 360-Degree Feedback: Zoho People incorporates a robust platform for comprehensive employee feedback, enhancing performance evaluations.
  • Cost-Effective: Positioned as a versatile solution, Zoho People offers a competitive pricing structure suitable for businesses with budget considerations.


  • Limited Enterprise Scalability: Zoho People might face challenges in scalability for larger enterprises with complex HR needs.
  • Advanced Features: Organizations with extensive HR requirements might find Zoho People lacking compared to enterprise-grade solutions.
  • Customization Limitations: While adaptable, opinions on the level of customization in Zoho People may differ based on organizational needs.
  • Integration Challenges: Some users might face challenges with integrations, especially if they have a diverse tech stack.

15Five: Elevating Employee Performance

15Five stands out as a performance management platform with a focus on continuous feedback. Tailored for businesses of various sizes, understanding 15Five’s capabilities is essential for organizations seeking to enhance employee performance through regular evaluations.

360 Degree Feedback and Continuous Performance Management:

15Five positions itself as a performance management solution, emphasizing continuous feedback rather than traditional periodic evaluations. While it may not explicitly offer a dedicated 360-degree feedback feature, its approach to ongoing performance discussions contributes to a more dynamic HR environment.

User Experience and Feedback:

15Five is applauded for its user-friendly interface, providing a platform that encourages regular and constructive performance conversations. Users appreciate its simplicity and the shift toward continuous performance management, although opinions may vary on the absence of a dedicated 360-degree feedback feature.


15Five’s pricing is often considered reasonable for businesses seeking a continuous performance management solution.


  • Continuous Performance Management: 15Five excels in promoting ongoing performance discussions, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
  • User-Friendly Interface: HR professionals value 15Five for its intuitive design, simplifying the process of regular performance check-ins.
  • Cost-Effective: Positioned as a solution for businesses of various sizes, 15Five offers a competitive pricing structure for effective performance management.
  • Focus on Employee Development: The platform emphasizes employee development through regular feedback, contributing to a more engaged workforce.


  • Absence of Dedicated 360-Degree Feedback: Businesses specifically seeking a 360-degree feedback feature may find 15Five’s continuous performance management focus lacking.
  • Limited Enterprise Scalability: Larger enterprises with complex HR needs might face limitations in scalability.
  • Varied Feedback on Customization: While user-friendly, opinions on the level of customization in 15Five may differ based on organizational needs.
  • Integration Challenges: Some users might experience challenges with integrations, especially if they have a diverse tech stack.

Small Improvements: Fostering Employee Growth

Small Improvements is a platform dedicated to employee growth and development; with capabilities that are crucial for organizations seeking to prioritize employee-centric HR strategies.

360 Degree Feedback and Employee-Centric Focus:

Small Improvements positions itself as an employee-focused platform, fostering growth through regular feedback and performance discussions. While it may not explicitly provide a dedicated 360-degree feedback feature, its approach to continuous improvement aligns with employee-centric HR practices.

User Experience and Feedback:

Small Improvements receives praise for its user-friendly interface, creating a platform that encourages regular and meaningful performance conversations. Users appreciate its simplicity and the emphasis on employee development, although opinions may vary on the absence of a dedicated 360-degree feedback feature.


Small Improvements’ pricing is often considered reasonable for businesses seeking a platform centered on employee growth. 


  • Employee-Centric Focus: Small Improvements excels in fostering employee growth through continuous feedback and performance discussions.
  • User-Friendly Interface: HR professionals value Small Improvements for its intuitive design, simplifying the process of regular performance check-ins.
  • Cost-Effective: Positioned as a solution for businesses prioritizing employee development, Small Improvements offers a competitive pricing structure.
  • Focus on Meaningful Conversations: The platform emphasizes meaningful performance conversations, contributing to a positive employee experience.


  • Absence of Dedicated 360-Degree Feedback: Businesses specifically seeking a dedicated 360-degree feedback feature may find Small Improvements’ employee-centric focus lacking.
  • Limited Enterprise Scalability: Larger enterprises with complex HR needs might face limitations in scalability.
  • Varied Feedback on Customization: While user-friendly, opinions on the level of customization in Small Improvements may differ based on organizational needs.
  • Integration Challenges: Some users might experience challenges with integrations, especially if they have a diverse tech stack.


In conclusion, the pursuit of the right HR solution for 360-degree feedback is a strategic imperative. While established platforms offer valuable features, the emergence of custom solutions marks a paradigm shift in how organizations approach employee development. The nuanced benefits of customization should not be overlooked, as they hold the key to unlocking the full potential of teams and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. As HR decision-makers navigate this landscape, the choice between off-the-shelf solutions and tailor-made approaches will shape the future of feedback in the organizational ecosystem.

Opting for a custom 360 performance review solution from DronaHQ proves to be the right choice for organizations seeking a tailored approach to employee evaluations. DronaHQ’s expertise in low-code development ensures a solution that precisely aligns with the organization’s unique performance metrics, competencies, and feedback processes. The platform’s flexibility allows HR professionals to easily adapt and refine the system as the organization evolves. Seamless integration capabilities enable the incorporation of the 360 performance review tool into existing HR ecosystems, fostering a unified and efficient workflow. With DronaHQ, organizations can achieve a holistic and personalized performance assessment experience, enhancing employee development and overall organizational success.As you delve into the realm of 360-degree feedback, consider the ready-to-use Performance Review Templates offered by DronaHQ. These templates provide a foundation for seamless customization, allowing organizations to conduct company-wide performance evaluations with ease and precision.
Check it out!

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